همه با هم، بر تختهشیرجهی عظیمی، آماده میشویم، تا هر یک لذتِ یک شیرجه را بچشیم. چه بسیار که پیش از آن که بر ترسِ خود از ارتفاع، پریدن، یا آب، فائق آیند، بر اثرِ فرسودگی، یا یک تصادف، از تخته به آب سقوط میکنند!
باربلین با حالی نزار به «سفید کردن»ِ نمای خانههای آندورا میپردازد، به گمان آن که با این کار میتوان روی «اعمالِ سیاه»ِ مردمِ آندورا سرپوش نهاد.
نفَسَت دلانگیز است
چشمانَت چون دو جواهر در آسمان.
قامتَت راست است، موهایَت صاف
بر بالشی که میآرامی بر آن.
ولی مرا به تو مهری نیست
نه عشق و نه سپاس
وفاداریِ تو به من نیست
که به ستارهگان بالاست.
قهوهای دیگر برای راه،
قهوهای دیگر پیش از آن که بروم
به راهِ دور.
پدرت یاغیای بیش نیست
و آوارهی حقهبازی
به تو میآموزد که چگونه جیب بزنی
و چگونه تیزی بیاندازی.
او سلطهاش را میپاید
تا غریبهای داخل نیاید
صدایَش میلرزد وقتی داد میزند
و باز غذا میخواهد.
قهوهای دیگر برای راه،
قهوهای دیگر پیش از آن که بروم
به راهِ دور.
خواهرَت آینده را میبیند
چون مادرَت و خودَت.
هرگز نیاموختی که بخوانی و بنویسی
کتابی نیست بر طاقچهات.
و خواستنَت حدی نمیشناسد
صدایَت به بلبلی میماند
ولی قلبَت چو اقیانوسیست
اسرارآمیز و سرد.
قهوهای دیگر برای راه،
قهوهای دیگر پیش از آن که بروم
به راهِ دور.
رئیسِ دانشکدهی احمق میگفت:
«همهی راههای تولیدِ علم
که از طریقِ Science نیست.»
گفتم: «بگذار فکر کنم، ببینم چهجوری بنویسم.»
گفت: «فکرِت بگذار ناب باشه، حرف رو باید بکر زد. هرچی بهِش فکر کنی، مثلِ ورقِ امتحانِ فیزیک، بدتر میشه...»
از این مرتع، آهوانه بگریز
که آغل خوکان است آنچه فردوسَش مینمایند
دل به چه خوش داشتهای
که مرکب رهوارت در زیر است و کلاه آفتابگیرت بر سر
مگر ندانستی که بیمرکب و کلاهت به آن تیره جاودان خواهند سپرد
اگر طاغی نیستی
ساقی نیز نباش
اگر قفس نمیشکنی، عبث آوازخوانِ چنین باغی نیز نباش
سر به بهانهیی در این گنداب فرو مکن
و به تعفن این مرداب خو مکن
دراعه زهد مزورانه از دوش انداز
خویشتن به جوش انداز
از این مرتع، آهوانه بگریز
که آنچه فردوسَش مینمایند، آغل خوکان است
نه منزلگاه نیکان
نه پیش از برتراند بودن نمینوشتم، و نه پس از آن نخواهم نوشت.
چند صباحیست از فرط فرسودگی فرصت نمییابم تا چند خطی به چند نوایی بیافزایم که خود آن را میگذارم تا که ناگه بینندهای دلشکسته و شنوندهای گوشتشنه بازنگردد از این منزل، که بس مایهی شرمساریست و فحشخواری. دریغا که پیشتر از آن که میپنداشتم به خاموشی ناچار شدم، و محیط را چنان یافتم که نوشتن را بس عبث. پس بدین سخن هر بار از پشت بر زمین مینهم، تا هربار بر بسترِ خاموشِ من خزی تا بوی مرا دریابی. و من سالهمهسال به مقامِ نخستین بازگردم با اشکهای خاطره. و من:
به غیابِ دردناکِ تو سلطانِ شکستهی کهکشانها
خواهم اندیشید، که به افسونِ پلیدی از پای در آمدی؛
و ردِ انگشتانت را
بر تنِ نومیدِ خویش
در خاطرهای گریان
خواهم کرد.
دریغا ویرانِ بیحاصلی که منَم!
قهوهای دیگر قبل از رفتن...
Your breath is sweet Your eyes are like two jewels in
the sky. Your back is straight, your hair is smooth On the pillow where
you lie. But I don't sense affection No gratitude or love Your loyalty
is not to me But to the stars above.
One more cup of coffee for the
road, One more cup of coffee 'fore I go To the valley below.
daddy he's an outlaw And a wanderer by trade He'll teach you how to pick
and choose And how to throw the blade. He oversees his kingdom So no
stranger does intrude His voice it trembles as he calls out For another
plate of food.
One more cup of coffee for the road, One more cup of
coffee 'fore I go To the valley below.
Your sister sees the
future Like your mama and yourself. You've never learned to read or
write There's no books upon your shelf. And your pleasure knows no
limits Your voice is like a meadowlark But your heart is like an
ocean Mysterious and dark.
One more cup of coffee for the road, One
more cup of coffee 'fore I go To the valley below.
If I caught the world in a bottle and everything was still
beneath the moon Without your love would it shine for me If I was smart
as Aristotle and understood the rings around the moon What would it all
matter if you love me
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly
still With a million dreams to fulfill And a matter of moments until the
dancing ends
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear Not
a solitary thing would I fear Except when this moment comes near the
dancing’s end
If I caught the world in an hourglass Saddled up the
moon so we could ride Until the stars grew dim Until
One day
you’ll meet a stranger and all the noise is silenced in the room You’ll feel
that you’re close to some mystery In the moonlight and everything shatters
you feel as if you’ve known her all your life The world’s oldest lesson in
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still With a
million dreams to fulfill And a matter of moments until the dancing ends
Here in your arms when everything seems to be clear And not a solitary
thing do I fear Except when this moment comes near the dancing’s end
Oh if I caught the world in an hourglass Saddled up the moon and we
would ride Until the stars grew dim Until the time that time stands
still Until
We were watching TV In Tiananmen Square Lost my baby
there My yellow rose In her bloodstained clothes She was a short order
pastry chef In a Dim Sum dive on the Yangtze tideway She had shiny
hair She was the daughter of an engineer Won't you shed a tear For my
yellow rose My yellow rose In her bloodstained clothes She had perfect
breasts She had high hopes She had almond eyes She had yellow
thighs She was a student of philosophy Won't you grieve with me Fo rmy
yellow rose Shed a tear For her bloodstained clothes She had shiny
hair She had perfect breasts She had high hopes She had almond
eyes She had yellow thighs She was the daughter of an engineer So get
out your pistols Get out your stones Get out your knives Cut them to
the bone They are the lackeys of the grocer's machine The built the dark
satanic mills That manufacture hell on earth They bought the front row
seats on Calvary They are irrelevant to me And I grieve for my sister
People of China Do not forget do not forget The children who died
for you Long live the Republic
Did we do anything after this I've
a feeling we did We were watching TV Watching TV We were watching
TV Watching TV She wore a white bandanna that said Freedom now She
thought the Great Wall of China Would come tumbling down She was a
student Her father was an engineer Won't you shed a tear For my yellow
rose My yellow rose In her bloodstained clothes Her grandpa fought old
Chiang Kai-shek That no-good low-down dirty rat Who used to order his
troops To fire on women and children Imagine that Imagine that And in
the spring of '48 Mao Tse-tung got irate And he kicked that old dictator
Chiang Out of the state of China Chiang Kai-shek came down in
Formosa And they armed the island of Quemoy And the shells were flying
across the China Sea And they turned Formosa into a shoe factory Called
Taiwan And she is different from Cro-Magnon man She's different from Anne
Boleyn She is different from the Rosenbergs And from the unknown
Jew She is different from the unknown Nicaraguan Half superstar half
victim She's a victor star conceptually new And she is different from the
Dodo And from the Kankabono She is different from the Aztec And from
the Cherokee She's everybody's sister She's symbolic of our
failure She's the one in fifty million Who can help us to be
free Because she died on TV And I grieve for my sister
نمایشگاهِ عکسهای عباسِ کیارستمی، از ۱۷ اردیبهشت تا ۷ خرداد، در گالریِ راهِ ابریشم، خیابانِ جردن (آفریقای جدید)، تابانِ شرقی (پلاکِ ۵۷؟).